Custom Track Production

Our custom beat creation process is designed to bring your unique musical vision to life. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how it works:

Step 1: Consultation - The first step in creating a custom beat is to schedule a consultation with one of our producers. During this consultation, we will discuss your musical preferences and inspirations, as well as the style and mood you're looking to achieve with your beat.

Step 2: Composition - Once we have a clear understanding of your vision, our production team will get to work crafting a beat that is tailor-made to your specifications. We will create an original composition that captures the essence of your musical style and reflects the mood and vibe you're looking for.

Step 3: Revisions - We understand that every artist has a unique creative process, which is why we offer a revision process. This is an opportunity to provide feedback on the initial composition and make any necessary adjustments or revisions to the beat until it meets your exacting standards.

Step 4: Final product - Once you are completely satisfied with the composition, we will deliver the final product to you. Your custom beat will be professionally mixed and mastered, ensuring that it is ready to be used in your next project.

Our custom beat creation process is designed to be collaborative, giving you the opportunity to be involved in the creative process every step of the way. Whether you're an established artist or a newcomer to the scene, our team is committed to helping you bring your musical vision to life.

Vocal/ Band Recording

Step 1: Pre-production: This is the planning stage where the band discusses their preferred sound, arrangements, and instrumentation. They may also prepare demos or rough recordings to help communicate their vision.

Step 2: Recording: Once the band is ready, they enter the recording studio to lay down their tracks. This involves recording each instrument separately, although some bands may choose to play together in the same room for a more cohesive sound. The engineer will capture each track in high quality audio files, which can then be edited and mixed.

Step 3:. Editing: After recording is complete, the engineer will go through each track and edit out any mistakes or unwanted noises using digital audio editing software. They may also add effects or adjust levels to achieve the desired sound.


Step 1: Mixing: Mixing involves blending all of the individual tracks together to create a well-balanced and cohesive sound. The engineer will adjust levels, pan instruments, and add effects to create depth and texture. This is a creative process that can take several hours to several days.

Step 2:  Mastering: The final step in the recording process is mastering. This involves making adjustments to the final mix to prepare it for release. The engineer will add compression and equalization to ensure consistency across all tracks, and may also adjust levels for volume and clarity.

Overall, the band recording process is a collaborative effort between the band, the engineer, and any other studio professionals involved. It requires patience, creativity, and attention to detail in order to create a high-quality recording that accurately captures the band's sound and style.

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Check Out More Of Our Projects

Here are examples of some of our works. 

Fetti Knox - Bad Intentions

Produced, Mixed, Written, and Mastered

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Produced, Mixed, and Mastered

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Produced, Mixed, Written, and Mastered

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Produced, Mixed, and Mastered

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